Overshot Basket Grapple
2-19/32 Basket Grapple with Long Catch Stop (B3607)f/ Logan
p/n: A7016LCS-083
2-19/32 Basket Grapple with Long Catch Stop (B5133)F/ Logan
p/n: A7021LCS-083
2-19/32 Basket Grapple with Long Catch Stop (B6234)f/ Logan
p/n: A70235LCS-083
2-19/32 Basket Grapple with Long Catch Stop to catch 2-19/3
p/n: A7050LCS-112
2-19/32 Basket Grapple with Right Hand Wickers (37590)f/Log
p/n: A70055RHW-083
2-19/32 Basket Grapple with Right Hand Wickers (6662)F/Loga
p/n: A7019RHW-083
2-19/32 Basket Grapple with Right Hand Wickers (B11026)f/Lo
p/n: C30045RHW-083
2-19/32 Basket Grapple with Right Hand Wickers f/ Logan Ser
p/n: A70056RHW-083
2-19/32 Nitralloy Basket Grapple (37590)f/Logan Series 150
p/n: A70055NIT-083
2-21/32 Basket Grapple (10546)f/Logan Series 70 Short Catch
p/n: C3005-085
2-21/32 Basket Grapple (B2201)f/ Logan Series 150 Overshot.
p/n: A7034-085
2-21/32 Basket Grapple (B3607)f/Logan Series 150 Overshot
p/n: A7016-085
2-27/32 Basket Grapple (6662) F/Logan Series 150 Oversho
p/n: A7019-091
2-29/32 Basket Grapple (6662)F/Logan Series 150 Overshot.
p/n: A7019-093
2-29/32 Basket Grapple (9123)f/Logan Series 150 Overshot
p/n: A70215-093
2-3/16 Basket Grapple (10546)f/Logan Series 70 Short Catch
p/n: C3005-070
2-3/16 Basket Grapple (13068)f/ Logan Series 70 Overshot
p/n: C3009-070
2-3/16 Basket Grapple (13538)f/Logan Series 70 Short Catch
p/n: C3002-070