Overshot Basket Grapple
2-7/8 Basket Grapple (B5159) f/ Logan Series 150 Overshot.
p/n: A7024-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple (B5227)f/ Logan Series 150 Overshot
p/n: A7057-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple (B6234) f/ Logan Series 150 Overshot.
p/n: A70235-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple (B9777) F/Series 150 Overshot
p/n: A70217-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple (N84) f/ Logan Series 150 Overshot
p/n: A7056-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple Nitralloy (6112)f/ Logan Series 150 Ov
p/n: A7035NIT-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple Nitralloy, with Right Hand Wickers. (6
p/n: A7035NITRHW-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple w/Right Hand Wickers (B3607)f/Logan Se
p/n: A7016RHW-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple with Long Catch Stop (21305)f/ Logan S
p/n: A70135LCS-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple with Long Catch Stop (6112)f/ Logan Se
p/n: A7035LCS-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple with Long Catch Stop (6662)F/Logan Ser
p/n: A7019LCS-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple with Right Hand Wickers (6112)f/Logan
p/n: A7035RHW-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple with Right Hand Wickers (6662)F/Logan
p/n: A7019RHW-092
2-7/8 Basket Grapple(Left Hand) (B5133)F/ Logan Series 150
p/n: A7021LH-092
2-7/8 Left Hand Basket Grapple (10437)f/ Logan Series 70 Ov
p/n: C3004LH-092
2-7/8 LEFT HAND Basket Grapple (10546)f/Logan Series 70 Sho
p/n: C3005LH-092
2-7/8 Left Hand Basket Grapple (12647)f/Logan Series 70 Sho
p/n: C3007LH-092
2-7/8 Left Hand Basket Grapple (4195)f/ Logan Series 150
p/n: A70145LH-092
2-7/8 Left Hand Basket Grapple (B3607)f/Logan Series 150
p/n: A7016LH-092
2-7/8 Left Hand Basket Grapple (B5159)f/ Logan Series 150 O
p/n: A7024LH-092
2-7/8 Left-Hand Basket Grapple (1135)f/ Logan Left-Hand Ser
p/n: A7032LH-092
2-7/8 Left-Hand Basket Grapple (6112)f/Logan Series 150 O
p/n: A7035LH-092
2-7/8 Left-Hand Basket Grapple (9123)f/Logan Series 150 O
p/n: A70215LH-092